Therapy Dog
Meet Elm's delightful new addition Maple, a purebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Maple is 6 months old, exceptionally warm and affectionate, and extremely friendly. Her big brown eyes immediately connect with people as they enter the waiting area welcoming them in.
Between sessions, Maple will often be found playing with her toys, giving cuddles and kisses, or simply snuggling in her bed having a sleep.
Maple and Louisa will soon begin training to provide Animal Assisted Therapy to clients. "Animal Assisted Therapy incorporates the use of animals, within a therapy session, to achieve a specific goal. Over the years, a building body of research has investigated the positive impact that the human-animal bond can have on both adults and children. As animals are non-judgemental and provide an unconditional love, they assist in increasing the engagement and rapport between therapist and client. Research has also shown that having animals incorporated within the therapeutic process can assist to reduce anxiety, increase relaxation, increase social interaction, increase communication within sessions, as well as act as an intrinsic motivator to engage with the animal assisted intervention."*
Maple is currently socialising with Louisa's clients, however you can request her company in your session with any of the Elm psychologists on the days she is in the rooms.
Should you not wish to interact with Maple in the waiting room, please inform Deb on the front desk and Maple will be restrained during your visit.
*For more information on Animal Assisted Therapy please visit the Therapy Dogs Australia website at​